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Connecting To Your Server [Windows]

1. Please make sure you have downloaded and installed the latest TeamSpeak 3 Windows Executable from

2. Please make sure that you have a copy of the email our system would have sent you when your service was provisioned with the subject "TeamSpeak 3 Hosting Provision Completed" ( Check your spam / junk folder if you have not gotten this email or contact us at

3. Open the TeamSpeak 3 Client executable (There should be a shortcut on your desktop or in your start menu). Once the program is open you should be presented with the same screen as seen below:



4. Click on “Connections” and then “Connect” or hold down the CTRL plus the “S” key on your keyboard as seen below:


5. You will now be presented with the following window (see screenshot below).  NOTE: Our client has prefilled in the fields. Yours should be blank at this point.

6. Please find the “Server Address” and “Port” in the provisioning email (refer to step 2) that would have been sent to the main registered email address when your service was provisioned.

7. Please click "More". You should be greated with a screenshot looking something like below

8. The next step is to choose a nickname, this is the name that other users will see whilst connected to the server, enter the server address and port as per below: (refer to the email to see what server your service has been provisioned on)

Server List:

Server 1

Server 2

Server 3

Server 4

Server 5


8. When you first connect to the server you will be prompted to enter a “Privilege Key” as per the screenshot below. Your Privilege Key can be found in the email as “Token” Its important that you enter the key as the first user that connects to the server to ensure that server admin status is granted to your nickname.


NB1: If you ever change usernames you can use the privilege key in the “More” option in step 4-6 which will grant you server admin status.


9.  Once you are connected you should see your name appear under “Default Channel” with a “S” in a sheild which tells users you are the server admin. You can now add different chanels, passwords and users to your voice 

If you still are having issues please send us an email to or give us a call on 1300 933 038
  • TeamSpeak 3, Aus Net Servers, Aus Net, TeamSpeak 3 Hosting, TeamSpeak 3 Hosting Provision Completed.
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